Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Skin treatments at home ...

Included in the routine skin treatments at home. Versions of local professional treatments are gaining popularity. And the existence of a healthy skin tone appearance, even if it is once or twice a month.

You can pamper yourself every year that you have the same treatment at home. For the main program of skin care, all you need to be cleaned twice a day, a wet well (preferably a lighter for the day, and overnight thicker), apply once a week, scrub the cells removed dead skin and unclogs pores, and voila, you the same results as when you sometimes to one of these expensive beauty salons0

Eye Care ...

Eyes easily irritated and protection, it might be good for wearing to bed. Select a moisturizer designed specifically for use in the vicinity of the eyes, and they avoid provocative.

This can usually wear a hat or sunglasses to protect you against early wrinkles on the eyelids.

The benefits of aloe

In its natural state, and is clear aloe gel from the succulent plant.
Since ancient times, Cactus has been used in the treatment of eczema, wounds and skin infections, burns and other skin problems.

It shows that Aloe has additional useful features such as the effects of anti-bacteria, and the ability to accelerate healing and reduce inflammation of the skin. Aloe is a common ingredient used in cosmetics for moisturizing and soothing effects.

What is the secret to beautiful skin?

Of course, the condition of your skin is affected by your genes, your nutrition, your general health, your emotional well-being and exercise. With the active lifestyles of today, stay positive,

do not stress and anxiety do not may face a real challenge. The relaxation techniques of yoga, meditation or deep breathing are effective to relieve stress and can help you get back to the place.

Add to that regular exercise and good nutrition, which exposes you to all the food groups to get all the ingredients necessary for optimal health and promote a radiant complexion. The outpatient care of the skin also act directly on its appearance. Sun protection at an early age is a key factor influencing the onset of premature aging. We must find a sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30. Establish a routine cleaning and moisturizing twice a day to remove impurities and rehydrate.

Friday, May 7, 2010

The opposition Conservative Party, David Cameron, according to official results are the strongest party in British parliamentary elections, but missed an absolute majority. Labour Party Prime Minister, Gordon Brown, has the earth moves and the worst result since 1983. Nick Clegg, liberal to fall below expectations. After the result of 615 of the 650 constituencies in Parliament, Conservatives won 290 and Labour 247 seats and the Liberals 51...

Monday, May 3, 2010

New York police focus on man seen near Times Square car bomb

Police are investigating the failed attack on the car bomb Times Square in New York and focused on the lookout for images of a white man had shed his shirt near the SUV, where a bomb was found.

Unidientified men, who appear to him in the 40s, seen in the material way onderduimse look over his shoulder, remove the shirt of the darkness, and let the one in the red. Officials said that a man shirt and dark matter in the bag.

Researchers are also examining the eight bags of non-explosive grade fertilizer, which is a metal gun cabinet was found among other items, in April, Pathfinder, including gasoline, propane and firecracks and stimulants.

Say Raymond Kelly and New York City Police Commissioner, and fertilizer alone will not explode yet, but you can set fire to other substances. The bomb, said: "We have caused casualties, a large fireball.

Super-strong artificial collagen to treat arthritis

Scientists have for the most powerful form of collagen known in the sciences, alternative stable human collagen that can be used on a day arthritis and other conditions caused by defects of collagen treatment.

Collagen is a protein most abundant in the human body, and the formation of strong boards and cables that support the structure of the skin and internal organs, cartilage, bone and connective tissue in all between them.

"It's collagen and more stable than ever before," said Ron Raines, a professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in Chemistry and Biochemistry, who has led the study.

For decades, physicians collagen from cows used for the treatment of severe burns and other injuries in humans, despite the risk of tissue rejection associated with transplantation of species.

In 2006, the team I was Raines' know how to make collagen in the lab, creating particles of collagen and longer than any found in nature...