Monday, May 3, 2010

Super-strong artificial collagen to treat arthritis

Scientists have for the most powerful form of collagen known in the sciences, alternative stable human collagen that can be used on a day arthritis and other conditions caused by defects of collagen treatment.

Collagen is a protein most abundant in the human body, and the formation of strong boards and cables that support the structure of the skin and internal organs, cartilage, bone and connective tissue in all between them.

"It's collagen and more stable than ever before," said Ron Raines, a professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in Chemistry and Biochemistry, who has led the study.

For decades, physicians collagen from cows used for the treatment of severe burns and other injuries in humans, despite the risk of tissue rejection associated with transplantation of species.

In 2006, the team I was Raines' know how to make collagen in the lab, creating particles of collagen and longer than any found in nature...

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